
  • Some thoughts about technology

    This is a small post about some thoughts that recently come to my mind since the beginning of the month.

  • My current linux cheatsheet/setup

    Since I’ve joined Worklytics I’m using Linux as operanting system for my daily work there. I’ve used Linux first time when I was at high-school and then when I was at university, but then I’ve switch to Microsoft stack including Windows and rest of .NET things.

  • The podcast bubble

    Podcasts and podcasting are not a new thing but since pandemic situation it has been rise as a new way of entertainment.

  • Notification world

    As we are living in a world with everything is a notification/popup/click-bait I’m going to share some actions that I’ve taken since a year and a half ago to minimize the impact. The main idea is not to be a slave of devices and to have the control about what I want to read and when, something that could sometimes be hard due the continue notification exposition of any kind (apps, email, phone, etc)

  • Hello world!

    Hello world! Welcome to my blog.

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